The Animation Workshop: Personal Scene

During a summer school at The Animation Workshop we had to make our own scene based on a simple prompt: "What was that?" All staging, thumbnailing, animating and background creation was done in TVPaint.

Really enjoyed making this piece.

{{< gallery >}} {{< figure src="/img/anims/taw-project_jesse_thumbnails1_web.jpg" caption="Thumbnails 1" >}} {{< figure src="/img/anims/taw-project_jesse_thumbnails2_web.jpg" caption="Thumbnails 2" >}} {{< figure src="/img/anims/taw-project_jesse_thumbnails3_web.jpg" caption="Thumbnails 3" >}} {{< figure src="/img/anims/taw-project_jesse_staging_web.jpg" caption="Staging" >}} {{< /gallery >}}